Cube+ is a Modern Multipurpose Parallax HTML Landing Page. This Template is Suited for any type of website, personal or business use. The Landing Page is designed with modern look and feel while keeping in mind to make it user friendly and eye catching so that people using it can get the best out of their website. Cube+ is fully responsive design ready to look stunning on any devices & it has been developed by using the Twitter 2.3.2 Bootstrap framework. Parallax no-parallax If you want to Buy PSD click here. If you like my theme please do not forget to rate it! Features:100% Responsive DesignHTML5 and CSS3 designTwitter Bootstrap960 Grid Based DesignOption of Parallax and without ParallaxClean & Modern Flat DesignWeb Friendly FontsGoogle Fonts IntegrationInternet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, ChromeWell Documented Code and CssValid Html5Css3 StylingPricing TablesTwitter IntegrationContact FormValid Mail.phpBonus HTML Files:404 PageComing Soon PagePrivacy Policy PageCredits: Fonts Used: Lato DownloadUpdate History: Release Version 1.0NOTE:Images are not included in this file and is only part of Display.Lightflow – WordPress Responsive One Page Parallax Theme Sytic – One-Page Responsive Multipurpose Template

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